Old Smoldyn versions
We have old versions of Smoldyn starting from 1.72; email support@smoldyn.org if you want one of them.
Example configuration files
S1_intro: bounce1.txt, bounce2.txt, bounce3.txt
S2_config: config.txt, configcolors.txt, configmolecs.txt, define.txt, definecolors.txt, definemolecs.txt, ifdefine.txt
S3_space: bounds1.txt, bounds2.txt
S4_molecules: diffa.txt, diffa.tif, drift.txt, diffi.tif, diffi.txt, molecule.txt, mollist.txt
S5_graphics: better.txt, graphics1.txt, graphics2.txt, graphics3.txt
S6_commands: addspecies.txt, cmdfile.txt, cmdmanipulate.txt, cmdmovesurfacemol.txt, cmdobserve.txt, cmdtime1.txt, cmdtime2.txt, meansqrdisp2.txt
S7_surfaces: absorb1.txt, absorb2.txt, absorb3.txt, cellmesh.txt, cellmeshfile.txt, diffuse2.txt, diffuse3.txt, jump1.txt, jump2.txt, jump3.txt, rafts.txt, reflect1.txt, reflect2.txt, reflect3.txt, stick2.txt, stickrate.txt, surf1.txt, surf2.txt, surf2react.txt, surf3.txt, surfrxn.txt, transmit1.txt, transmit2.txt, transmit3.txt, emitter1.txt, sphere.txt
S8_reactions: allostery.txt, allostery.tif, benchmark.txt, bireactAA.txt, bireactAB.txt, bireactABB.txt, bounce.tif, bounce.txt, crowding.tif, crowding.txt, confspread.tif, confspread.txt, equil.txt, lotvolt.tif, lotvolt.txt, lotvolt2.txt, lotvolt3.txt, unireact1.txt, unireactn.txt, wallreact.txt, zeroreact.txt
S9_compartments: compart.tif, compart.txt, compartlogic.tif, compartlogic.txt, compartrxn.txt
S10_boxes: box.txt, systemsize.txt
S11_ports: port.txt
S12_moleculizer: allostery.txt, allreceptor.txt, binding.txt, cmdtrial.txt, modifications.txt, oligo.txt, omniReceptor.txt, receptor-on-surface.txt, smallmol.txt, transformation-reactions.txt
S98_utilityprograms: out2D50.txt, sample-surface.wrl.txt, sample.txt, sphere.txt, spherebot.wrl.txt, spheretop.wrl.txt, tetrahedron.txt, tetrahedron.wrl.txt
S99_more: crowd.txt, crwd2D60.txt, neuron.txt
Published configuration files
To Smoldyn users: please help others build on your work by making any configuration files for research that you published available for others to use. Appropriate places for posting them are (1) in the supplementary information of your published paper, (2) on your webpage, and (3) here, on this webpage, by e-mailing them to us. We will happily archive any and all Smoldyn configuration files.
Python Interfaces for the Smoldyn Simulator
Singh, D. and Andrews, S.S., Bioinf. In revision, 2021
- Figure 1: cluster.py
- Figure 2: DimesionalityEffect.py
- Callback function: integrate_with_moose.py
Rule-based modeling using wildcards in the Smoldyn simulator
Andrews, S.S., Methods in Mol. Biol. 1945:179-202, 2019
- Note 1: lrm.txt
- Note 2: transposase.txt
- Note 3: abba.txt
- Note 4: MinDdimer.txt
- Note 5: polymer_end1.txt polymer_end2.txt polymer_mid.txt
- Note 6: expression.txt
Particle-based stochastic simulators
Andrews, S.S., Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, 2018
- Table 1: SmoldynBenchmark.txt SmoldynBireact.txt
Smoldyn: particle-based simulation with rule-based modeling, improved molecular interaction and a library interface
Andrews, S.S., Bioinformatics 33:710, 2017
- excluded volume: bounce.txt crowding.txt crowding2.txt crowding3.txt crowding4.txt
- particle tracking: tracking.txt
- species groups: speciesgroups.txt
- surface diffusion: trisphere.txt trispheretriangles.txt ribbon.txt branch.txt
- wildcards: abba.txt lrm.txt polymer_end.txt polymer_mid.txt
Oscillations of Min-proteins in micropatterned environments: a three-dimensional particle-based stochastic simulation approach
Max Hoffmann and Ulrich S. Schwarz, Soft Matter 10:2388, 2014
- simulation file: smoldyn_script_Fig3.txt
Spatial and stochastic cellular modeling with the Smoldyn simulator
Andrews, S.S., In Bacterial Molecular Networks: Methods and Protocols
- published paper: Andrews_2012.pdf
- Figure 1: Bar30.txt ellipse_12_12.txt
- Figure 2: carboxy.txt
- Box 1: box1.txt
Ultrasensitivity in Multisite Phosphorylation of Membrane-Anchored Proteins
Dushek, O., P.A. van der Merwe, and V. Shahrezaei, Biophys. J. 100:1189-1197, 2011
- simulation file: Dushek_Shahrezaei_2011_Smoldyn.txt
Detailed Simulations of Cell Biology with Smoldyn 2.1
Andrews, S.S., N.J. Addy, R. Brent, and A.P. Arkin, PLoS Comp. Biol. 6:e1000705, 2010
- published paper: Andrews_Arkin_2010.pdf
- Figure 1: ecoli.txt, hopdiffpos.txt, MoroneData.txt, spine.txt
- Table 2: SuppA.pdf, bireactAB.txt, benchmark.txt
- Figure 3: SuppB.pdf, diffi.txt, unireact1.txt, bireactABB.txt, stickrate.txt
- Computational efficiency: SuppC.pdf, systemsize.txt
- Bar1 model: SuppD.pdf, Bar29.txt, ellipse_12_12.txt
Accurate particle-based simulation of adsorption, desorption and partial transmission
Andrews, S.S., Phys. Biol. 6:046015, 2009
- published paper: Andrews_2009.pdf
- Figure 1: Fig1A.txt Fig1B.txt
- Figure 6: Fig6.txt Fig6eq1.txt
- Figure 7: Fig7.txt CubeSurface.txt
Stochastic simulation of chemical reactions with spatial resolution and single molecule detail
Andrews, S.S. and D. Bray, Phys. Biol. 1:137, 2004
- published paper: Andrews_Bray_2004.pdf
- Figure 8: lotvolt.txt